Next Level Boundaries with Electronics

Pull out your phone. Or, if you’re reading this on your phone, go open whatever app you use for contacts.

How many are there?

Of those names and numbers and addresses you’ve collected over the years, how many folks do you actually know. As in, how many folks have you spoken with over the last three to 12 months?

Scrolling through my contact list last week, I re-discovered I had more folks I hadn’t talked with over the last year than those I have spoken with. And, of those folks I don’t talk to, about a quarter I didn’t even remember who they were or why I had their phone number.

So I decided I really needed to clear all the digital mess out of my phone.

And ohmygoodness it was the most satisfying!

The beauty of boundaries is that they allow you to reclaim your space — whether digital, physical, emotional, or energetic.

So here are a few of my favorite ways to wield that power with the wonders of modern technology.

Clear out your contacts.

Use the same rule you would use when cleaning out your closet: if you haven’t spoken to someone over the course of four seasons, it’s time to heave ho. With love.

Use the ‘Block’ button.

Okay, fair enough. There are some folks you can’t/don’t want to clear out. Use that block button baby! This may sound heartless… and that’s fair, I suppose.

But how many folks on that list do you a.) dread hearing from and b.) not really need to communicate with?

This is what the ‘block’ button was created for, my friend!

Oh, and pesky spammers. Block all that nonsense too while you’re at it.

Use ‘Focus’ and/or ‘Do Not Disturb.’

I’m an iPhone user, and they recently rolled out a feature called Focus, where you get to decide who gets through to you when.

(Sorry Android folks… idk the specifics, but I’m sure there’s some similar feature for you too…)

I’ve parceled mine out such that ‘Do Not Disturb’ is a hard block for all calls, texts, and any other notifications… very helpful when I’m sitting with patients or finally sitting down to do some admin work.

Meanwhile, I have ‘Personal’ wherein only my husband, mother, and a few friends can get through.

And, at 8:15PM (yes, you read that right) the ‘Sleep’ focus goes on — no one but my hubby can get through to me from then until 6:00AM.

If none of those are on, my phone is fair game for folks to get in touch.

Please, my love, USE THESE FEATURES.

All it takes is a few tipity taps in the settings section on your device, and voila! Frictionless boundary. The ease from not having to field calls or texts you’re not interested in is absolutely liberating.

Clear Out Social Media Connections and Followers

This was a lesson I very recently learned — you can remove followers from your account on Instagram! Woot woot!

Social media is one of your energetic spaces, and if folks start showing up who don’t vibe, show them the door. Most social media platforms don’t notify followers you’ve removed them, FYI.

Meanwhile, if you have connections or followers that you’re not vibing with, heave ho those too! Click, tap… whatever, but unfollow until you feel nice and tidy on your social media platforms.

Turn off notifications on your watch, computer, tablet… etc etc etc.

Depending on the make and model of your devices, there are options available for getting notifications across all of your hardware… or not.

Opt for not.

For the life of me, I cannot figure out why I can’t take the messages app off my iPad or computer… but in the meantime I can sure turn off those notifications I really don’t need while I’m working.

Distraction, party of 1!

Trust yourself. And that the opportunities will still be there for you when you get back to whatever you missed while on Do Not Disturb.

Seriously, my friend.

You have the power to make excellent decisions.

If you don’t want to delete a number of someone you haven’t talked to in five years from your contacts, cool, don’t.

But maybe ask yourself why?

Is it because they’re a potential business contact? Well, if you haven’t done any business by now, chances are pretty low you won’t anytime soon… or ever (hate to break it to you).

Is it because they’re an old flame you’d like to rekindle with? Good luck, but also, well, probably not meant to be…?

And finally, whatever calls or messages come through that you DO want, I promise promise promise will be there for you to return in 24 to 48 hours.

Happy Boundary Setting!


Exploring Minimalism? Start with your Boundaries.


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